HONOLULU, Aug. 5, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- The Science of Identity Foundation, a not for profit providing inspiration, tools and learning for mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing, today announced the release of a new video series on Karma Yoga.

"Karma" is a buzz word in the yoga world, we regularly hear people talking about "good karma" and "bad karma," but most people have a pretty fuzzy idea of what it actually means. Science of Identity Foundation's new six part Karma Yoga series offers a clear, deep understanding of karma, how it affects and influences people's lives and how a person can ultimately transcend the cycle of karmic reaction through the process of Karma Yoga.

Some of the feedback received so far:

"This is so clearly and simply explained, very relieving"

"You make this information so easy to understand and so applicable"

"This really helped me learn about karma amidst all the confusing and vague stuff out there these days. Super appreciate it - thanks!!"

There are now 36 million yoga practitioners in the United States alone, with another 80 million Americans preparing to practice for the first time in the next 12 months. Practitioners are spending $16 billion per year on clothing, products and classes. Yet for the most part, many people's yoga journey begins and ends with asana and breath, very barely scratching the surface of the vast reservoirs of wisdom and inner peace available. There has never been a more urgent need for a clear, deep presentation on the timeless wisdom of yoga and its application for modern lives.

With an engaging and easy to understand delivery, the lecturer delves deep into the four realities of life that launched Gautama Buddha's search for enlightenment hundreds of years ago, as well as the spiritual quests of countless yogis, sages and seekers of truth. It explores the idea that wealth leads to happiness as well as the correlation between living a life of service to community and others and experiencing inner satisfaction, asking what it is that connects all beings and draws people to living a life of service.

This exploration of Karma Yoga draws deeply from the ancient yogic text, the Bhagavad Gita, a perennial well spring of inspiration for the yogic life; not only uncovering these ancient truths but also explaining the meaning and relevance of these teachings in our modern lives.

About the Science of Identity Foundation

The Science of Identity Foundation provides tools, inspiration and resources for the spiritual journey. Founded in 1977, the Science of Identity Foundation teaches the practice of meditation and kirtan—along with timeless yoga wisdom—to help individuals achieve greater spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing. Passed down for centuries through an unbroken line of self-realized teachers, this ancient and authentic process of self-discovery can be practiced by anyone.

Media Contact:
Jeannie Bishop​

For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.